Friday, September 9, 2011

The Centaur and The Crab

Trapped between two worlds 
Half-beast and the other half an archer 
Shoot your arrow and watch me shred down to tatter

With your thick mane and form colossal
Consider putting up a fight with someone your size
'Coz I will strike and from those ashes I will rise

Mastermind , you speak so many tongue 
But to talk to me you don't bother
Suffocate me in air and under the water

Like nothing ever happened 
I will resume my journey to find
A creature thats special and to me thats kind

A creature that sleeps on my chest
As i play with the hair-strand
Blow air into sweat-dots to vanish at my command

My small being with my bolt shut door 
Will fall for it at the speed of love
In this life and next , before anyone eyes i'll make sure

You are the Centaur and I am the Crab
Yet my tiny Heart is not up for grab 

1 comment:

My Thoughts.....My Life!!!! said...

Nice metaphor used Swapnil!!!Love the part of rising from the ashes.